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Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As an important medium of communication in the world, Internet is fast becoming an integral medium also in the Church and consequently in a parish. Ukrainian Catholic Parish of St. Basil in Regina is proud to launch this website. Through provision of information, events and news from the life of this community of believers, our hope is that, visitors searching spiritual values will find this website beneficial. Also, it is an extended invitation for worship in our beautiful church.
If you’re not currently a member of our church – we’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to one of our services. If interested, Registration forms are available at church vestibule, just ask an usher for help. Once complete, please return your form to the parish office by placing it in the collection basket, through the mail or by dropping it off at the Parish Office. We look forward to hearing from you! And of course, feel free to reach out and call our Pastor.
Many blessings to you.
Father Warren Dungen
Дорогі у Христі, Брати і Сестри,
Приємнo нам гостити всіх, які відвідують нас на Інтернеті. Запрошуємо Вас переглянути наші сторінки та ближче ознайомитися з нами. Надіємось, що кожен відвідувач знайде тут цікаві новини про нашу парафіяльну родину. А коли Ви живете або перебуватимете в Реджайні в Саскачевані, будемо ради вітати Вас і особисто, то просимо Вас відвидати нашу церкву.
Хай Бог благословіть.
о. Варрен Дунґен